Published 1998 Second Edition 2008
Third Edition 2018
Paperback 128 pgs.
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This book is the channelled autobiography of the life of Jesus told in the first person as it was received by James Padgett. This story follows the chronology of the Gospels though with dramatic differences in the events of his life. Jesus traces his birth and formative years, his ministry, his death and resurrection. He removes the supernatural hocus pocus by explaining that his life and true miracles conformed to natural law. He states that his most important teachings were either lost or altered with time and that this story was sent by him to the American lawyer to set the record straight. This is a book for every thinking person who has questioned the Bible and the doctrines of the churches.

Second Edition 2010
Paperback 520 pgs.
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This is a voluminous book of channelled writings received by the medium James E. Padgett to complete the science, philosophy and religion of Spiritualism and to correct the Bible. In it are eyeopening accounts from Jesus and his disciples, and a great array of historical and religious figures from throughout history. Some note worthies are: Moses, St. Paul, Socrates, Emanuel Swedenborg, Nero, Queen Elizabeth I, Francis Bacon, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther, John Wesley and many others. This is a book of extraordinary depth and spirituality.

Second Edition 2010
Third Edition 2019
Paperback 130 pgs.
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This book traces the history of Spiritualism from its ancient beginnings to the advent of Modern Spiritualism and its Golden Age. The philosophy that it contains sheds new light on the subjects of the greatest spiritual importance: the creation of the world, the origin of man, the destiny of the soul, soulmates, the spirit world, the spirit body, the nature of God, non-reincarnation and much more. This is a book for open-minded persons who desire to know more.